Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Find Meaning Without God

It is possible to have meaning to life without a higher power? Some would say no, but this is simply not true. There are many good and moral people that have profound meaning to their lives that do not believe in god.

Personally, I have previously believed in god in my life and do not believe today. At some point I just could not logically have faith anymore in god. The evidence and how I felt didn't add up to believing. However, I've found meaning in other areas of life.

For instance, there are many ways people find meaning without god. One common area is the environment. Mother earth can be a natural way to be connected to something bigger than yourself without believing in god. Another common way is health and exercise. Being in harmony with your body gives significant meaning and makes you feel better.

These are parts to the whole. Believing in something bigger than yourself is the key. Personally, I believe there is a greater power at work in the universe. I believe that it is an enormous coincidence that our earth is such a perfect habitat and cradle of life. Therefore, I am agnostic. I believe there could be a higher power but that man has shaped that power to their own definitions.

I believe all religions and faith derived from the same source, they were just shaped differently into the end results by cultures across the globe. I also believe that even if there is no higher power at work and other earth-like planets with alien beings are discovered, there is still meaning.

There is meaning to life because life is too precious to be meaningless. Each living breathing human being is capable of so much and for this reason each human has meaning. Each life has meaning with god or without.

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